Historic Restoration - The Original Design, Preserved

  Preserving and conserving historic buildings and homes is a core focus of Ameriseal and Restoration.  These enduring architectural gems from past generations stand as powerful reminders of our rich history, showcasing how construction was completed in the days of old.

  The restoration of historic buildings seeks to maintain the original, time period specific, construction of the home or building.  This type of project requires input from architects and historic building codes and regulations offices, to find an option for restoration that preserves the original intention and design of the building.  The goal is to put the building back in its original shape, as closely as possible, while meeting modern historical building codes.  Historic restoration differs from rehabilitation or reconstruction (although these terms are used interchangeably online, this is inaccurate) because restoration does not modernize the building, except for what historical codes require, but keeps it securely placed in the time it was created down to the smallest detail.

  Providing comprehensive historical restoration services plays a critical role in safeguarding and enhancing these invaluable historic relics.  In this context, we'll explore the numerous benefits offered by Ameriseal and Restoration services while emphasizing their significance.

Ameriseal restoring the stone design of The William McKinley National Memorial
Ameriseal and Restoration working on the brick of The William McKinley National Memorial in Canton Ohio
Lichtenwalter Schoolhouse Restoration by Ameriseal and Restoration

Living History - Preservation of a time past

   The advantages of Ameriseal and Restoration's historic restoration services primarily revolve around the preservation and promotion of architectural history.  Historic buildings, monuments, and landmarks aren't merely physical structures; they include the unique narratives and cultures associated with specific eras in time.  Through Ameriseal and Restoration's professional services and cutting-edge expertise in understanding concrete, masonry, stone, and brick, these structures can be meticulously restored to their original grandeur.  This ensures that future generations will know of their historical and cultural importance.

   Historic restoration services offer a significant advantage in city revitalization.  Many historical structures are nestled within Ohio city centers that may have suffered from neglect and decay over the years.  When we restore and transform these buildings back into vibrant hubs, they naturally draw in travelers, entrepreneurs, and residents alike.  This then breathes new life into these areas, fostering local prosperity and a sense of communal pride and identity.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - on an Commercial Scale!

   In addition, historical restoration practices contribute to sustainable development goals.  Rather than opting for wholesale demolition or extensive reconstruction, which consumes substantial resources, restoration allows us to repurpose existing materials in an environmentally responsible manner.

Preserving the authenticity and historical accuracy of a building is a fundamental principle of Ameriseal's historic restoration services, and one way to achieve this is by salvaging and reusing original materials.

   This approach not only reduces waste but also eases the strain on already scarce (and possibly expensive!) natural resources.  Innovative techniques like epoxy injection are approved to further enhance durability and lifespan while reducing the carbon footprint associated with new construction.

   Furthermore, historical restoration services play a vital role in the socio-economic landscape.  The restoration industry relies on local, skilled craftsmen and tradespeople with specialized knowledge and techniques for preserving historic structures.  At Ameriseal and Restoration, we possess the experience and expertise to restore and recover Ohio's most cherished buildings.  It's also worth noting that restoration projects often prioritize sourcing even the materials from local suppliers, as the original creators would have, its a benefit for everyone involved!

   Restored historic structures foster a sense of community and serve as invaluable venues for various gatherings, cultural events, educational activities, and exhibitions.  They strengthen bonds across generations and act as repositories of knowledge, providing opportunities for learning about our collective history and the significance of architectural preservation.

Restoration of Historic Buildings Increases City Revenue

   Lastly, historical restoration services significantly boost tourism potential and enhance the overall appeal of local areas.  Tourists are naturally drawn to cities and towns steeped in history, and Ohio has these historic gems speckled all over the state!  With Ameriseal and Restoration's comprehensive services spanning concrete restoration, caulking, masonry, epoxy injection, sealants, and brick restoration, you can trust that your project will be handled with the utmost professionalism.

   These restoration efforts not only safeguard our architectural heritage but also rejuvenate urban spaces, promote sustainable development, stimulate economic growth through job creation and local procurement, and foster a sense of communal unity.  They also enhance tourism prospects, making your choice to trust Ameriseal and Restoration with your most treasured structures a wise one.

L.N. Gross Building in Kent, build in 1928, restored in 2016-2019

What is the Restoration Process?  How does Ameriseal do their Restorations?

How does Ameriseal and Restoration preserve and restore historical structures?  We have broken it down into four overall steps:

1.   Material Documentation - Step one is to realize the materials present in the design of the building and to document them.  We will take detailed documentation of all of the materials used in the construction of the building, how they were crafted or designed, and their location in the structure.

2.   Material Salvaging - There is nothing like the original!  This is never more true than with historic restorations.  We will use as much of the existing structure as possible, and then copy this in places where original materials are vacant.  This can be a small piece like molding around a fireplace, to a large piece, like an entire original section of a wall or entryway.  Even when severely degraded, we are able to bring many of these pieces back to life with step three.

3.   Repair, Refurbishing, and Replication - When salvaging materials that are degrading due to the effects of time and age, we often have to clean them, at the very least.  Time often has not been kind to the types of buildings that we restore, bugs, dirt, and decades of wear have been deposited onto these relics.  At a bare minimum, they will need to be cleaned, and at the more extreme end, recreated based off of the originals.  Wherever possible we use the same materials, techniques, and resources for the recreations that the original designer used, matching them to the time period of the original creation, for ultimate authenticity.  We take into account the tools of the designer, materials they had access to, and any technology that was used. 

4.   Required Modern Updates and Compliance - Historical building have their own legal code to ensure the structure is authentic but also safe for those inside.  Modern structural upgrades are made with the least intrusion on the original building as possible, for example, a century-old building was most likely built without insulation, and insulation is a modern requirement for any structure.  So insulation may be added inside of the walls to bring the building up to code, without changing any of the historical relevance!  Codes and regulations such as these were created by governmental bodies and historical preservation specialists to find a 'win-win' solution for historical buildings in the modern world.

Historic Restorations by Ameriseal - Restore Historic buildings, bring in new revenue, and jump-start the local economy.  Keep your brick, stone, concrete, and masonry lasting for the next 100 years with Ameriseal and Restoration.  Call 330-794-8040 or send us a message at anytime after hours!

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